Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ape Escape 3- Play Station 2 Review

When I played the first Ape Escape for the Playstation 1, I was hooked. I couldn't stop playing it or thinking about it. So Ape Escape 3 was definitely for me.

Ape Escape 3 is based off of it's other games - catch a gang of hyperactive monkeys with gadgets from the future. The concept appears to be simple, yet yields a fun exciting gaming experience.

The game starts with cut scenes explaining that a white monkey with an IQ over a regular monkey teams up with a 70's disco man to chop the world in half. The monkeys get this great idea- why not make some movies? So the levels are based on spoofs of cinematic hits, including "Monday the 13th" and "The Adventures of Apeyana Jones." These level structures provide comical plots and somewhat goofy dressed monkey.

I was impressed by the artificial intelligence. your net can get stolen by an alert monkey and YOU can get captured. The apes now feature weapons, from UZI's to samurai swords. And special character abilities apply to their costumes (i.e.-Darth VAder monkey can use the force.)

Although the game is entertaining, flaws are plentiful. The controls are completely different from other PS2 games, and is hard to get used to. And don't forget to turn off the music, for it sounds like Blue's Clues morphed with Dance Mix USA- not suitable for a game like this.

Anyway, the game is unique. But all I can tell you is that Ape Escape 3, no questions asked, is as fun as a barrel of monkeys.

Rating: 8.75 out of 10

Reviewed and written by Alex H.

** If you enjoyed this review and would like to read a book about a boy who is a gamer check out this one at the CLMS Library!!!

Author: Durant, Alan
Interest Level: Middle Grades
Book Level: 3.5
AR Pts: 1.0

Summary: JP loves to play video games, but when he finds one he has never seen before in the window of a junk store, he is not prepared for how real some games can be.

1 comment:

Staci said...

I love your enthusiam for this game Alex and your use of adjectives blows me away!!