Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Book Review: The Runaway Dolls

Title: The Runaway Dolls
Author: Ann M. Martin
Fiction or Non-Fiction: Fiction

Summarize the plot but don't give away the ending!!

Three girl dolls Annabelle, Tiffiny, and baby Tilly, run away because they didn't want to leave Tilly in a box for two weeks. They have to find their way home without being seen by humans.

What did you like about this book?

What I liked about this book is that these dolls are adventurous and risky, and learn with teamwork from dolls in a store, that they can find out answers.

What didn't you like about this book?

I didn't like that it ended.

Would you recommend this book to others?

I would recommend this book to others because it's fun, adventurous, and exciting.

Read, reviewed and written by Anna-Maria F. 7th Grade

**If this book sounds like something you would like to read, please ask Mrs. Taylor about this the next time you visit the library!!!

AR Information:
Author: Martin, Ann M.

Interest Level: Middle Grades T
Book Level: 4.4
AR Pts: 6.0

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